【十硯設計 陳逸群、鍾馥如】碼頭印象刻畫清新風潮 英美格調形塑餐飲空間!
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設計概念Design Concept
基地位置鄰近大龍峒及大稻埕,早先為各國洋行集散地,由此背景發想,十硯設計 陳逸群 設計總監、鍾馥如 總監 將腦中浮現的畫面——碼頭景象:工人忙碌地往來搬運、貨倉上下船艙與來去的英美人士——轉換為現實場景,引渡英美風格進入設計場域,再現早期風光的同時,也將年輕氣息帶入,形塑出活潑中帶古雅的氣質調性。
The base of the project is near Da Long Dong and Da Dao Cheng precinct, which is used to be the foreign trade distribution center. Take the notion of the background, LNF Design Firm Creative Director Lawrence Chen and Director Fran Jong tried to plan the layout of wharf feature: the busy transportation workers, the cargo loading in and out of the warehouses, and the British and American businesspeople - take advantages of the Britain-American style, perfectly bring about the heyday scenes, furthermore, put some striking young elements into the space, hence creates a vivid and cultured tone.
設計手法Design Techniques
Modern craftsmanship manifests the classical spirit
The bright white counter and the yellow tableware cabinet symbolize the appearance of the wharf containers, which with a touch of American and British Yuppie style; make use of the mixed color cultured stones of the wall finish to create the feature of the brick wall, and at the same time present the factors of a vintage building and the Loft style. We tempt to create a rich street atmosphere of this unwind place, pays homage to the prosperity of the golden age; and by way of the black, grey, and brown color scheme to increase the warmth of the space.
Ingenious ideas implement the spatial imagination
We valued the details of the image application of the project, such as the large clock relief that casts the shape of the rainbow; and we also transformed the original wooden walkway on the floor to the ceiling pattern. All above that manifest the characters of "handing out" and "ease up". Furthermore, to interpret the impact of the design concept onto the solid construction, as well to provide a soothe domain for the designer and the guests of whimsical interaction.
Multiple elements highlight the focal area
In view of the location of the base, we add young elements with the vintage spirit, and merge the Britain-American style with the Loft style, moreover set up the function cabinet of bright hue, so that brings about the striking points of the vivid atmosphere. The neutral grey PVC tiles of imitate cement texture bring out the relaxing tone; on the other hand, the timbers of deep tinge work in concert with rusted tiles and a dark mirror that gives people stunning vision. By means of the combined factors, hence creates the charm touching everywhere.
The entryway
The ceiling extending from the indoor to the outdoor that forms an interesting feature seems like the red carpet. The dark wood columns on the left and right sides set off the interior rustic ceiling that constructs from the concept of the wooden walkway, which not only creates the spacious vision, moreover makes it become the eye catch element.
The dining area
Place the leather chairs and plastic barstools in the dining area. The contrast materials of distinct texture generate the impressive vivid tone.
The off-white built-in bookshelf, besides creating the feature wall of humanistic ambience, as well to conceal the circuit case and possess the function of storage, which is an appreciable ingenuity of design. By way of the varied captivating visual guidance, we successfully transform the vintage building to a brand-new layout, and then initiate an inviting space for our guests.