【十硯設計 陳逸群、鍾馥如】Art Deco渲染隱蔽空間 結合東西美學的策略顧問公司!
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設計概念 Design Concept
本案為策略顧問公司,對於客戶的隱私十分重視,「低調隱蔽」是此次設計的首要需求,基於過多的隔區會使空間顯得窄隘,在與業主協商後,十硯設計 陳逸群 設計總監、鍾馥如 總監 在一定限度裡設置隔間,使結果不致影響動線,讓場域有所區隔卻仍具備開放性,並於美式風格上,以不宣揚卻精緻的Art Deco概念,作為繆思女神,處處留跡。
A strategic consulting corporation, which attaches great importance to the privacy of the customers, therefore, "low profile and privateness" would be the principle of the design notion. Due to excessive compartment might bring about narrow and limited space, hence, LNF Design Firm Creative Director Lawrence Chen and Director Fran Jong consult with the property owner to meet the best solution of setting up the fewest partition, at the same time create the smooth flow, as well making an open yet covert space. By means of the concept of American style, just like the goddess of Muse, the unobtrusive but exquisite Art Deco leave traces everywhere.
設計手法 Design Techniques
Art Deco圖像貫穿全景
Art Deco elements reveal the layout
以客群高端的法律事務所為端景,轉化紐約黃金時期的風格,取材自Art Deco概念,運用圖騰編排的方式點綴空間,加以幾何形狀搭配,低調華麗,暗藏金色質感,使空間的風格不受侷限。
Emulating the high-end law firm as the striking end view of the space, and convert the style of the golden age of New York, draw on the concept of Art Deco. Exploit the totem arrangements to embellish the space, and go with the geometric shapes of golden texture, so as to present the low-key yet magnificent feature.
The metal iron pieces that can be seen occasionally also come from the Art Deco concept. Since it is a strategic company, the double-layer iron art crafts of the reception counter and the consulting space, besides casting the layering vision, in the meantime presenting the atmosphere of negotiations, and brings out the picture of well communication and successful agreement.
American subtle factors exert influences unwittingly
Although limited by the pattern of the space, we go all in to create an open layout, and at the same time to keep the privacy. We select grey mirror, grey glass, and tawny glass to manifest the optical illusions, further playing the role of psychological hint, so that people would lead to a spacious concept. Moreover, exploit the soft decoration of the American style to shape the stunning focal point of the space.
Set up several secret panels, which not only allows the visitors to enter and leave freely, but also makes the space with an open visual effect. The natural timber and fine metal linear texture of the Loft style that present the stylish feature of the golden age of the United States.
The ceiling, floor, and wall show their exclusive texture
The smoked elm contains distinct texture and aroma that riches the smell and tactile sensation of the space. We make use of the solid wood tone as the accent color, and take the advantages of various wallpapers to bring about the captivating finish; and then pave the floor with square carpets of different colors, as well forming the visual intrigue of each area.
The rectangular pattern is flexibly utilized as an office or consulting area. In order to comply with the low structure of the vintage house, further to present the great difference image, we construct half ceiling of unmodified pipelines and beams, and another half part of clear white paint goes with a solid timber, consequently create the visual conflict contrast. The refined and rustic contrast ingeniously makes people feel as if they are in a magical scene.
Excellent techniques create dual themes
The ceiling of the space that serves as the VIP room and the competent office hung with several glamorous geometric lightings; the notion is inspired of the window lattice of the ancient China, furthermore, make use of square frames as the connection of different styles. The layering geometric shapes vary in height that creates the charm feature of dual situations.
Base on the concordance of the proprietor and the designer, we set up several secret entrances of the space, besides creating the smooth flow pattern, on the other hand, to achieve the privacy requirement of the customers, the layout allows them can enter and leave freely without interruption. In a comprehensive view, the Loft style of American golden age and assort with the geometric figures, which integrate various tones of each area. Excellent design techniques merge the Chinese and American styles; hence bring about a harmonious and multifarious space.